Our Investment Plan

Investing in an electric future
Over a 10-year period (made up of four 30-month “cycles”), Electrify America plans to invest $2 billion in Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) infrastructure, access, and education programs in the United States.
- Of this $2 billion, we’re investing $800 million in California, one of the largest ZEV markets in the world.
- We plan to invest $1.2 billion in the remainder of the United States, providing support to current electric vehicle owners and those interested in learning more about the benefits of driving electric vehicles.
Electrify America’s National and California ZEV Investment Plans serve as a roadmap for what we do to drive ZEV adoption.

Cycle 1
(January 2017–June 2019)
Plans implemented
Electrify America implemented the following plans between January 2017 and June 2019:

Cycle 2
(July 2019–December 2021)
Plans implemented
Electrify America implemented the following plans between July 2019 and December 2021:

Cycle 3
(January 2022–June 2024)
Plans implemented
Electrify America implemented the following plans between January 2022 and June 2024:

Cycle 4
(July 2024–December 2026)
Looking to the future
Electrify America is implementing the following plans between July 2024 and December 2026:

Developing our plan
To develop each ZEV Investment Plan, Electrify America invited feedback from:
Federal, state, and local governments, Native American tribes, and the Department of Energy (DOE) National Laboratories
Universities, think tanks, and technology companies
Electric vehicle charging companies and electric vehicle driver associations